Sat, 08 February 2025
Africa's news in English
Arusha News

Lake Victoria water unsafe to drink

Polluted Lake Victoria has become breeding ground for disease. The millions of people using Lake Victoria as a source of drinking water are at risk of diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysenter...
Arusha News

Swine fever outbreak in Arusha

Arusha city council has imposed a quarantine on the movement of livestock in a bid to halt the spread of the African swine fever virus (ASFV) following the deaths of hundreds of infected pigs around t...
Arusha News

Arusha to host major diabetes congress

Arusha is hosting an international summit aimed at addressing ways of improving life for people living with diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), from 25-28 July. The inaugural Afric...
Arusha News

Rape centre opens in Arusha

Victims of rape and sexual abuse can now receive specialist medical and psychological assistance from a dedicated centre in Arusha. The Rape and Sexual Absue Care Centre (RSACC) is run by the Arus...
Arusha News

The Selian Hospital's Wandering Surgeon

The Selian Hospital is a Lutheran-run hospital in Arusha, Tanzania. Since January we have been following the blog of a visiting surgeon there and feel that what he writes about the difficulties, the h...
Arusha News

New HIV/AIDS treatment centre opens

A new centre specializing in HIV/AIDS treatment has opened at the state-run Mount Meru regional hospital in Arusha. The centre has been built with funding from the United States President
Arusha News

English-speaking Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for women.

Women with alcohol problems can now attend a women-only meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) at the Arusha Community Church (ACC) on Fridays at 17.00. AA already holds four weekly sessions in English...
Arusha News

Free health care for Arusha street kids.

Street children in Arusha and Moshi municipalities can now access free medical treatment and health care thanks to an initiative of organisations working on their behalf, the
Arusha News

HIV infection rate falls in Tanzania.

The rate of infection of the AIDS-causing virus HIV in Tanzania has dropped from 7 per cent in 2003 to 5.8 per cent last year, according to national bureau of statistics figures. This translates into...


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