Green Turtle babies hatch along Kenya’s Southern coastline

The Kenyan coastline is the perfect nesting site for a wide variety of turtles - particularly the green turtles which are regarded as endangered and listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list as Threatened Species.

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Conservationists have recently reported an increase in green turtle hatchlings on the country’s southern coast. Recent social media shares of hatchling turtles navigating litter pollution and predators that separate the baby turtles from the ocean are common. 

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Turtle protection initiative

Members of the public have formed a Tiwi Turtle Police group to safeguard the turtle’s nest and watch the emerging newborns as they cascade down the beach. This effort will increase the hatchling’s chances of survival after hatching. Tiwi Turtle police is an organization run alongside the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Prowin Pro Nature, and other local fishing communities that patrol 12 kilometers of the ocean coastline safeguarding the nests and while picking up garbage. 

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Saving turtles during the pandemic

Volunteer work during the pandemic has seen them work through the tough times and challenges marking the pandemic. In addition to income earned from the conservation work, they are assured of supporting their children from their trade. 

Humans tend to be their biggest threat so that in itself has minimized their exposure to human-induced harm.