Why is Ghana a popular volunteer destination?

Ghana is a hot destination for volunteers aiming to make a difference in the lives of the locals in West Africa.

There has been a rise in philanthropy and a volunteering culture that intends to promote sustainable development.

Ghana is a warm and hospitable country to foreigners, particularly volunteers. The country has a rich culture and boasts over 100 ethnic communities.

The people believes in their traditional customs and remains devout to religion.

Several international charities and non-governmental organizations operate in Ghana, to assist in achieving their socio-economic agenda. Here are insights into the volunteer experience. 

Where can I volunteer?

Accra is one of the most populated cities in Ghana. Hosting over 2 million residents. It’s accurate to point out the income inequality and uneven distribution of essential government services. The city offers a variety of local, regional and international delicacies, live music and nighttime extravaganza.

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Toward the Ghanian coast is Cape Coast that is popular with local tourists and university students and international volunteers. Here are some of the opportunities worth exploring while in Ghana.

Why volunteer in Ghana?

Income disparity in Ghana is on the extreme. While the constant rise in economic growth has seen a large number raised out of poverty, the country is still unable to achieve equitable disbursement of resources. To give the extent of the problem to scale, Oxfam estimates a poor Ghanian woman will take 1000 years to make what a wealthy individual makes in a month. The roles covered by volunteers vary according to industries, for instance:


Volunteer teachers nurture the talents of local students by passing down skills and to the underprivileged, understaffed and underfunded schools. Ghanian schools are open and vibrant to new foreign teachers. You can engage the children in sporting activities and games. In as much as there is time to explore the country during your volunteer session, be aware that this is a full-time job. Organizations that offer voluntary teaching are Agape Volunteers, VSO, Teach on the beach, etc.

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Agricultural and environmental conservation 

To volunteer on environmental conservation you can join volunteer organizations like Green Ghana volunteers. Organizations like VSO help local farmers boost their agricultural productivity by sharing smart production techniques that are sustainable. VSO is an organization with over 60 years of operational experience and carries out projects throughout the entire country.

Medical support

Assistance can be offered in the healthcare and welfare sectors such as hospitals, pharmacies, physical therapy clinics, dentistry, and others. Organizations such as Agape volunteers, Ghana Medical volunteers, Volunteering Solutions, Projects Abroad, among others. Whatever your personal commitments are, you can volunteer seasonally or for long drawn periods.

ph: Margus Vilbas / Shutterstock.com