Tue, 22 October 2024
Africa's news in English
Accra Yellow pages

Artist Alliance Gallery

Founded by artist and retired teacher Ablade Glover and his wife in 1993, this gallery has made an important contribution to the development of a vibrant contempoprary art scene in Accra. A new, enlar...
Accra Yellow pages

Asempa Bookshop

Christian literature and educational books.
Accra Yellow pages

Ghana Film Theatre

Recent foreign releases and children’s films.
Kanda area Cinemas in Kanda area
Accra Yellow pages

International Players

Amateur dramatics group performing regular plays, pantomimes etc. For details contact the British High Commission
Accra Yellow pages

Caledonian Society

For details contact the British High Commission.
Accra Yellow pages

Centre for National Culture

This one-stop shop for Ghanaian culture includes a craft shop selling Ghanaian and African handicrafts, a textiles market, pottery and ceramics, rattle production and Kente weaving units and an art ga...
Accra Yellow pages

WEB Dubois Memorial Centre for Pan African Culture

Monument and research centre dedicated to the memory of the African-American activist scholar and “father of Pan-Africanism” William Edward Burghardt Du Bois. The centre promotes the pursu...
Cantonments neighbourhood Cultural Academies in Cantonments neighbourhood


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