Sat, 27 July 2024
Africa's news in English
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia floods affect 16,000 in the north

News of floods in Ethiopia affecting 16,000 people in the north of the country has been reported by the United Nations. Crops have been destroyed, roads submerged and bridges have collapsed. The U...
Addis Ababa News

Flag Day in Ethiopia

For the third consecutive year, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) celebrates Flag Day, on 20 September 2010. The events of the day are centred around the laying of a founding stone of...
Addis Ababa News

Conference in Addis Ababa on journalists’ safety

The safety and protection of journalists working in countries in Africa is one of the topics being discussed at the meeting of international journalists in Addis Ababa on 1-3 September at the African...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopian cracks down on private higher education

The Ethiopia government has banned distance learning and has stopped private universities from granting degrees in law and education. Universities with off-campus learning schemes have been ordered to...
Addis Ababa News

Breakthrough Fossil Find in Ethiopia

A breakthrough discovery in Dikika, in the Afar region of northern Ethiopia, has provided unambiguous proof that our ancestors were capable of using stone implements to butcher meat 3.4 million years...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia gets new telephone directory

State telecommunications provider Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC) has finally launched its 2009 telephone directory over a year behind schedule due to contractual problems with the publi...
Addis Ababa News

Honorary doctorate for Ethiopia’s Catherine Hamlin

The Australian doctor Catherine Hamlin has been awarded an honorary doctoral degree by Addis Ababa University (AAU) for her work in Ethiopia with women suffering from fistula injuries due to obstructe...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia examines wind power project

State electricity company Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) is considering an ambitious proposal for the construction of a 300 MW wind farm in eastern Ethiopia near the Djibouti border, the...
Addis Ababa News

Ancient Ethiopian Garima Gospels restored

British and French specialists working at a remote monastery in Ethiopia have helped restore what could be among the oldest surviving illustrated Christian manuscripts, the June 2010 issue of The Art...
Addis Ababa News

Quality Ethiopian coffee

The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX), the only regulated commodities market in the country, has adopted the Q Coffee Quality Certification System to grade specialty coffee consignments for export as...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopian election results confirmed

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has confirmed the provisional results of the general election on 23 May, which returned the ruling Ethiopian People
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia elections "peaceful and calm"

European Union (EU) observers in Ethiopia are looking into claims by the opposition of electoral malpractice during the 23 May parliamentary and state council elections, which they have however descri...
Addis Ababa News

Africa Day on 25 May

25 May is Africa Day, when the African Union (AU) officially celebrates unity on the African continent. It marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the fo...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia elections on 23 May

Campaigning for elections ends in Ethiopia ahead of parliamentary and state council elections on 23 May. 29,170,867 people out of a total population of 85 million have registered to vote in the po...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia inaugurates new hydropower project

A new hydropower plant with a generating capacity of 460MW has gone into operation in a boost to the struggling power sector in Ethiopia. The Tana Beles Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project on the sh...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia readies for parliamentary elections

On 23 May 2010 Ethiopians go to the polls to elect their new federal parliament. The main competitors are the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), led by prime minister Me...
Addis Ababa News

Arup helps Addis Ababa reduce carbon emissions

City authorities have announced plans to develop a carbon reduction programme in Addis Ababa. Working with global engineering group Arup in a project run by the William J. Clinton Foundation, authorit...
Addis Ababa News

Chinese language institute opens in Addis Ababa

Ethiopian and Chinese officials have inaugurated a new Chinese language and cultural centre on the premises of the Ethio-China Polytechnic College in Kotebe in Yeka district in Addis Ababa. About 2...
Addis Ababa News

Addis Ababa gets MIDROC skyscraper

A new skyscraper will soon open for business in the centre of Addis Ababa, becoming the new tallest building in the capital. The 22-storey Nani Building is being constructed at a cost of 600 millio...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia’s new power plant shuts down

The 5.2 billion birr Gilgel Gibe II hydro-electric power station 250 km southwest of Addis Ababa has suspended operations just a few days after its official inauguration due to a collapse in a section...
Addis Ababa News

Low-cost housing in Addis Ababa centre

Addis Ababa city council has announced plans to demolish part of the city centre and build low-cost condominium housing in its place. The English-language business weekly Capital Ethiopia reports...
Addis Ababa News

African Union elects Bingu wa Mutharika as new president

The African Union has decided not to confirm the Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, as its president for a second year. The position has gone to the president of Malawi, Bingu wa Mutharika, a...
Addis Ababa News

Addis Ababa to get solar street lighting

Ten street lights near Meskel Square are to be powered by solar panels in a pilot scheme that could pave the way for the use of solar powered street lighting across Addis Ababa. The project is the...
Addis Ababa News

African Union considers Haiti resettlement

African leaders considered a proposal by Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade to resettle Haitians made homeless by the earthquake on 12 January during the three-day African Union (AU) summit in Addis...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopian Airlines plane crashes off Lebanon

An Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 82 passengers and eight crew members crashed in the sea off Lebanon on 25 January just a few minutes after leaving Beirut for Addis Ababa. So far over 20 bodies ha...
Addis Ababa News

Ethiopia Hotels Enterprise up for sale

The Ethiopian government has put up for privatisation the state owned Ethiopia Hotels Enterprise (EHE), which controls hotels and restaurants in prime central Addis Ababa locations. The Privatizat...
Addis Ababa News

Egypt to lease Ethiopia farmland

The Ethiopian government has agreed to lease 20,000 hectares of land in the northern Afar region to Egypt for commercial farming purposes, the English-language business weekly newspaper Capital Ethiop...
Addis Ababa News

Timeshare resort opens on Lake Langano in Ethiopia

Lake Langano 200 km south of Addis Ababa is the site of a new timeshare resort, the first of its kind in Ethiopia. The complex has been developed by the Africa Vacation Club Ethiopia at a cost of 3...


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